
Reimagining Education

More Community Outcry Over Deed Restrictions

The issue of deed restrictions on closed school buildings by the SLPS is really heating up in the neighborhoods most effected by this outrageous policy. The Missouri Chapter of the Black Alliance for Educational Options has posted a video of the group going directly to the Missouri State Board of Education to voice concerns on the issue. They presented interim Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Director Bert Schulte with letters and petitions asking the State Board to urge SLPS to remove the deed restrictions.

The Missouri State Legislature has also become involved in the issue. State Senator Jim Lembke has filed Seante Bill 439 that would prohibit this policy. Senator Lembke held a press conference on Monday to promote his bill.

It looks as if this issue isn’t dying down anytime soon. As the community becomes more aware of this policy, the outcry will continue to grow.

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