
Reimagining Education

Chris Christie gives impassioned speech at AFC Policy Summit

Kate Casas, State Director, Children’s Education Alliance of Missouri

On Thursday, May 3, Governor Chris Christie gave the keynote address to the attendees of the American Federation of Children Policy Summit.

Although Governor Christie primarily references New Jersey, his home state, if you substitute the state of Missouri for New Jersey, the message of the speech would still ring true. He tells of an education establishment that consistently puts adults and institutions’ needs above those of the children they were created to serve. He also tells of politicians who consider their political careers before they consider their youngest and most vulnerable constituents. But perhaps most importantly, he reminds his audience that it is our responsibility to put students first and continue to fight for reforms we know will work.

I encourage you to take some time and watch his impassioned speech to remind you how to keep your focus on whats best for children.

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