
Reimagining Education

“Education is the new frontier. It is what can change every community. The more you learn the more you can do and achieve.”

– Paul Davis talking about his son Robert, St. Louis City.

Robert, a Normandy student with autism, faced relentless bullying for years resulting in a miserable school experience. When his family had the chance to transfer Robert to a safer school in the Francis Howell School District (as a result of a Missouri law that grants students in unaccredited school districts the right to transfer to neighboring, higher performing schools) the welcoming environment he found there renewed his spirit and zest for learning. 

His father Paul, a single parent, went to extraordinary lengths to make sure that Robert could continue his education at a quality school.

As a result of being given the chance to choose a better school, Robert is now attending Washington University on a full scholarship.

Robert’s opportunity came about at just the right time for him, while many other Missouri students remain trapped in schools that do not benefit their needs. 

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